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  • Town & Country Animal Hospital - Kerrville
  • 2710 Junction Hwy,
  • Kerrville,
  • Texas,
  • 78028
  • Phone: 830-367-5316


Dogs + Medical Conditions

  • Degenerative joint disease is arthritis caused by deterioration and degeneration of tissues lining joints. Treatment includes regular gentle exercise, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications, omega fatty acids, chondroprotectants, and possibly other nutraceuticals. Emerging therapies include rehabilitation therapy, acupuncture, and stem cell or platelet rich plasma therapies. Maintaining your dog’s weight can help prevent degenerative joint disease.

  • Degenerative myelopathy (DM), a disease affecting the spinal cord, results in slowly progressive hind limb weakness and paralysis. It is considered a disease of middle-aged to older dogs, including German shepherds, German shepherd crosses, Siberian huskies, and collies. It will be suspected based on breed, medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment, and it is a progressive, incurable disease.

  • Demodectic mange is caused by a parasitic mite that lives in the hair follicles of dogs. As long as the body's immune system is functioning properly, these mites cause no harm. Demodectic mange most often occurs when a dog has an immature or weakened immune system, allowing the number of skin mites to increase rapidly. Topical, oral, and injectable medications are available to treat demodectic mange.

  • Dermatomyositis is hereditary, immune-mediated disease of the skin muscles and blood vessels affecting primarily collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and mixes of these breeds. Other breeds can experience similar disease. Signs are usually first recognized in puppies but can present in young adulthood. Signs include: skin lesions (crusty erosions, patchy alopecia or ulcers) around the eyes, lips, face, ear flaps or tail tip, foot pad lesions; atrophy of chewing muscles or difficulty chewing; stiff gait and megaesophagus in severely affected dogs. Skin biopsies are diagnostic. Treatment involves treating secondary bacterial infections, reducing sun exposure, EFAs, and immunomodulatory medications including tetracycline, niacinamide, pentoxifylline, cyclosporine and corticosteroids. Prognosis varies depending on severity.

  • Testing for diabetes includes confirming hyperglycemia and glucosuria while looking for other conditions by taking a complete blood count (anemia, infection), biochemistry profile (hepatic disease, pancreatitis), and a urinalysis (urinary tract infection). Monitoring includes regular glucose curves and additional exams and testing based on the pet owner's monitoring of their dog's clinical signs at home. Urine glucose testing and fructosamine are sometimes used in diabetic monitoring and urine testing for infection may be recommended.

  • Diabetes insipidus results in excessive drinking and urination. As many conditions cause these signs, a number of diagnostic tests including bloodwork and urinalysis need to be performed to rule out other causes. After more common causes are ruled out, a modified water deprivation test can confirm disease and an MRI or therapeutic trial can be performed. Diabetes insipidus results from reduced production of ADH from the brain or reduced sensitivity to ADH in the kidney. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease either replacing the lack of ADH with a synthetic replacement or using a hydrochlorothiazide and a low salt diet to decrease urine production.

  • Diabetes Mellitus in Dogs: Overview

    La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad del páncreas. El páncreas es un pequeño pero vital órgano localizado cerca del estómago. Tiene dos tipos diferentes de poblaciones de células. Uno de los grupos de células produce los enzimas necesarios para la digestión. El otro grupo de células, las células beta, producen la hormona insulina. La insulina regula los niveles de glucosa en la sangre y controla la liberación de glucosa a los tejidos del organismo. En términos simples, la diabetes mellitus esta provocada por un fallo del páncreas en la regulación del azúcar sanguíneo.

  • Diabetes is an inability of the body to regulate blood sugar caused by an abnormality of the pancreas. It causes increased thirst, urination, appetite, and weight loss. Most dogs have type 1 diabetes, caused by total or near destruction of the insulin-producing cells, and insulin injections are required for treatment. Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring increased levels of glucose in the urine and blood. Diabetes treatment includes insulin injections and dietary manipulation with regular blood sugar monitoring. Financial costs can be high during the regulation period, or if a complication arises, and twice-daily insulin injections are a lifelong commitment.

  • Diabetes mellitus results from an inadequate production of insulin from the pancreas. The primary treatment is replacement by insulin injections. The body's response to the injections needs to be regularly monitored using an at-home glucometer or continuous glucose monitoring system. Insulin must be stored and reconstituted carefully to ensure dosing is accurate. Giving subcutaneous injections of insulin can seem daunting at first, but by following the directions in this handout, it will quickly become second nature to both you and your pet.

  • Diabetes mellitus is an inability to regulate blood glucose caused by a loss of insulin production (Type I) or inadequate insulin supply or resistance (Type II). Dogs need insulin injections to manage diabetes. Sometimes special diets may help manage the disease. Response to insulin needs to be monitored to ensure adequate dosing and to avoid hypoglycemia caused by insulin overdose. Blood glucose curves are most commonly used for this including: in-clinic blood glucose curves, home glucose curves with hand-held glucometers and continuous glucose monitoring systems. Urine glucose testing and fructosamine testing may also be used to manage the disease. Hypoglycemia is the consequence of administering too much insulin compared to the amount of food ingested. Signs can range from lethargy to seizures and coma. It can be managed acutely with administration of sugar syrup to the gums but more severely affected dogs will need IV dextrose solutions.