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  • Town & Country Animal Hospital - Kerrville
  • 2710 Junction Hwy,
  • Kerrville,
  • Texas,
  • 78028
  • Phone: 830-367-5316


Medications & Supplements + English

  • Fluoxetine is given by mouth and is used on and off label to treat various behavioral conditions. Common side effects include sleepiness and decreased appetite. If a negative reaction occurs, call your veterinary office.

  • Fluralaner is given by mouth or applied topically and is used to treat flea and tick infestations, and also off-label to treat certain types of mange and mites. Give as directed. Side effects are uncommon but may include stomach upset or neurologic symptoms. Do not use in pets with a history of seizures. If a negative reaction occurs, please call the veterinary office.

  • Flurbiprofen is applied topically to the eye to treat pain and inflammation of the eye. Its use in dogs is off label. Do not use this medication in pets that are allergic to it. If a negative reaction occurs, call your veterinary office.

  • Fluticasone propionate (Flovent) is commonly used off label to treat asthma and other chronic tracheobronchial diseases. It is administered as an inhaled medication via an aerosol canister and a delivery device. Side effects are uncommon but include upper airway irritation or infection. This medication should not be used during an acute bronchospasm.

  • Folic acid is given by mouth or injection and is used to treat folic acid deficiencies due to intestinal or pancreatic disease, or due to the use of certain medications. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are not common but may include stomach upset. Do not use in pets with a known sensitivity. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Fosfomycin is an antimicrobial used to treat multi-drug-resistant bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs) in dogs. It is used off label (extra label) in veterinary medicine. Fosfomycin comes in granule and compounded liquid suspension forms. Do not use in cats as fosfomycin is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) in this species.

  • Frunevetmab is a formulation of feline anti-nerve growth factor antibodies used to control osteoarthritis pain in cats. This medication is given by an injection under the skin, usually at the veterinary clinic. Side effects may include vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, itching, scabbing and hair loss on the head and neck, and pain at the injection site. Call your veterinary office immediately if you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication.

  • Furosemide is given by mouth or injection and is used on and off label to treat many conditions, including congestive heart failure and fluid retention. Common side effects include increased urination, diarrhea, or constipation. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it or in those that are unable to make urine.

  • Fuzapladib sodium (brand name Panoquell®-CA1) is an intravenous injection used by veterinarians to manage the clinical signs of acute pancreatitis in dogs. Potential side effects include reduced appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice. Call your veterinary office immediately if you suspect an adverse reaction to the medication.

  • Gabapentin (brand names: Neurontin®, Aclonium®, Equipax®, Gantin®, Gabarone®, Gralise®, Neurostil®, Progresse®) is an anti-seizure and pain medication that is used with other medications to treat seizures and chronic pain, primarily nerve pain, in dogs and cats. It has also been used in cats to treat fear and anxiety associated with veterinary visits. It is given by mouth in the form of a capsule, tablet, or compounded liquid.